The MT-DCB Digitally Connected B-Axis is an innovative device, which permits the automatic adjustment of the positioning angle for drilling and threading operations on machines without B-Axis.
The automatic angle adjusting makes unnecessary to carry out any type of setting procedure and manual working angle fixing, producing a great saving on the set-up time, particularly for complex machinings planning the creation of numerous drills with different angles in the same part.
Thanks to the integrated servomotor and battery and to the bidirectional Bluetooth wireless connection, the device can perform the full positioning cycle, providing the feedback to the machine.
The positioning accuracy is guaranteed by the encoder on board.
Product features
The main features of the MT-DCB Digitally Connected B-Axis are:
- Automatic angle adjusting
- Wireless bidirectiontal connection to CNC
- Plug & play unit, battery operated
- Multiple angled drilling and tapping operations with automatic set-up
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